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. 2009 Aug 26;276(1675):3979–3987. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.1296

Table 3.

AICc ranking, delta values, likelihoods and weights and model r2 for models of life-history effects on yolk IgY deposition. Analysis was done assuming a star phylogeny (OLS) and assuming stabilizing selection with drift (OU) using a tree compiled from the literature and presented in Cohen et al. (2008).

model K n LgL AICc ΔAICc LΔAICc AICcW evidence ratio r2
evolmodel = OLS
3 6 23 10.517 −3.784 0.000 1.000 0.953 1.000 0.656
7 3 23 1.648 3.968 7.752 0.021 0.020 48.220 0.297
5 3 23 0.933 5.398 9.181 0.010 0.010 98.558 0.254
6 3 23 0.623 6.018 9.801 0.007 0.007 134.380 0.187
1 9 23 12.358 7.130 10.913 0.004 0.004 234.317 0.707
8 3 23 −0.255 7.773 11.557 0.003 0.003 323.223 0.176
2 7 23 6.326 8.814 12.598 0.002 0.002 543.915 0.505
null 2 23 −2.584 9.768 13.552 0.001 0.001 876.573 0.000
4 3 23 −2.043 11.350 15.133 0.001 0.000 1932.556 0.044
evolmodel = OU
3 7 23 10.658 0.151 0.000 1.000 0.814 1.000 0.624
7 4 23 3.093 4.037 3.886 0.143 0.117 6.980 0.297
5 4 23 1.406 7.411 7.261 0.027 0.022 37.723 0.171
6 4 23 1.503 7.216 7.066 0.029 0.024 34.220 0.131
null 3 23 −0.872 9.008 8.857 0.012 0.010 83.799 0.000
8 4 23 0.171 9.880 9.729 0.008 0.006 129.632 0.078
4 4 23 −0.651 11.524 11.373 0.003 0.003 294.864 0.019
2 8 23 7.645 10.996 10.846 0.004 0.004 226.507 0.492
1 10 23 12.500 13.333 13.182 0.001 0.001 728.460 0.667