Specificity and agonist activity of anti-PILR antibodies. (A) Anti-PILRβ (DX266) bound only to the mouse mast cell transfectant DT754, which expresses PILRβ, and not to DT755, which expresses PILRα. Conversely, anti-PILRα (DX276) bound only to DT755 and not to DT754. (B) DX266, but not DX276 or the isotype control, triggered degranulation in a concentration-dependent manner in mast cell transfectant DT865, which also expresses only PILRβ. (C) DX276, but not the isotype control, blocked anti-CD200RLa-triggered degranulation in DT866, which expresses only PILRα. OD, optical density; conc, concentration.