Statistic type | Result |
Data collection | |
Model | VP35 IID K319A/R322A |
Space group | P212121 |
Cell dimension | a = 51.43, b = 66.07, c = 72.64 |
α = β = γ = 90 | |
Energy (eV)/wavelength (Å) | 12,666/0.979 |
Resolution (Å)c | 36.32-1.70 (1.76-1.70) |
Rmergea (%) | 8.9 (58.5) |
I/σ (I) | 9.4 (2.8) |
Completeness (%) | 97.5 (88.3) |
Redundancy | 6.34 (4.96) |
Refinement | |
Resolution (Å) | 36.32-1.70 |
No. of unique reflections | 27,195 |
Rwork/Rmergeb | 19.1/24.6 |
No. of atoms | 2,169 |
No. of solvent sites | 251 |
B-factors, protein (Å2) | 11.42 |
B-factors, water (Å2) | 29.22 |
RMS bond lengths (Å) | 0.021 |
RMS bond angles (°) | 1.72 |
Rmerge = ΣiΣj ‖ Iij − <Ij> ‖/ΣiΣj/ij, where i runs over multiple observations of the same intensity and j runs over all crystallographically unique intensities.
Rwork = Σ ‖‖ Fobs ‖ − ‖ Fcalc ‖‖/Σ ‖ Fobs ‖, where ‖ Fobs ‖ > 0. Rmerge was based upon 10% of the data randomly selected and not used in the refinement.
Highest-resolution shell is shown in parentheses.