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. 2009 Sep 16;24(2):188–209. doi: 10.1080/02687030902958316


Mean reaction times and accuracy for the conflict tasks

Stroop task
Participant group
Composite picture description task
Lexical decision task
Other language (LI)
Flanker task
Accuracy %
Accuracy %
RT (ms)
Accuracy %
RT (ms)
Accuracy %
Age Raven English LI W NW CR W NW CR N I CR N I CR N I CR N I CR C I CR C I CR
Ptl 65 11 12 26 1262 2489 .97 97 80 .18 2286 3572 .56 93 67 .28 1753 2267 .29 93 96 -.03 1016 1024 .01 92 94 -.03
Pt2 47 8 24 25 1450 2190 .51 93 43 .54 892 966 .08 82 71 .14 837 879 .05 96 88 .08 1319 1246 -.06 82 35 .54
Bilingual controls
1 31 10 35 34 898 1011 .13 88 88 .03 667 829 .24 96 100 -.04 656 803 .22 86 92 -.07 703 770 .10 97 94 .03
2 41 11 31 30 986 1232 .25 92 85 .08 913 1105 .21 96 100 -.04 851 953 .12 100 100 0 581 665 .15 98 90 .08
3 40 11 36 35 754 960 .27 100 95 .05 1225 1028 -.16 96 95 .01 894 1014 .13 89 75 .16 586 646 .10 97 99 -.01
4 39 12 37 38 723 763 .06 100 95 .05 704 751 .07 61 54 .11 631 855 .35 82 79 .04 599 662 .10 97 96 .01
5 45 11 51 29 892 989 .11 97 90 .07 859 1026 .20 79 88 -.11 755 948 .26 78 79 -.01 670 814 .22 99 94 .04
6 36 11 46 67 670 759 .13 85 87 -.02 856 703 -.15 100 100 0 871 789 -.09 100 100 0 481 575 .20 90 89 .02
7 28 11 25 69 976 1374 .41 97 90 .07 981 1057 .08 100 100 0 881 1062 .21 100 100 0 490 530 .08 89 89 0
8 59 8 52 52 752 894 .19 88 83 .06 844 992 .17 100 100 0 1175 1237 .05 100 92 .08 659 696 .06 97 96 .01
9 24 12 45 49 814 948 .16 87 93 -.07 770 867 .13 100 100 0 705 797 .13 100 100 0 485 553 .14 100 94 .06
10 24 12 45 51 904 920 .02 97 88 .09 984 1158 .18 100 100 0 885 1058 .20 96 100 0 461 509 .10 100 96 .04
11 24 11 49 37 759 1061 .40 85 83 .02 759 815 .07 100 100 0 909 938 .03 100 100 0 603 695 .15 97 99 -.01
12 26 12 44 50 813 1343 .65 98 83 .15 1364 1265 -.07 100 100 0 1251 1290 .03 100 100 0 555 632 .14 100 94 .06
M 34.8 11 41.4 45.0 828 1021 .23 93 88 .05 911 966 .08 94.0 94.8 -.01 872 979 .14 94.3 93.1 .02 573 646 .13 97 94 .03
SD 10.7 1.1 8.4 13.6 101 201 .18 5.9 4.5 .06 207 173 .14 12.0 13.3 .05 187 764 .72 8.2 P.S .06 SO. 6 93.0 .05 3.6 3.4 .03
Normal cut off Mono- lingual controls (n = 14) 24.5 18.1 1032 1424 .59 81 80 .16 1324 1312 .36 70.1 68.1 .09 1246 1307 .55 77.8 75.4 .13 734 832 .22 90 87 .09
M 45.0 11 723 805 .11 97 92 .05 739 893 .21 99 98 .01 632 717 .14 99 94 .04
SD 17.1 .7 109 136 .05 1.4 1.8 .03 101 133 .10 3.8 4.4 .04 119 130 .04 1.6 3.9 .04
Age range: 21-69

Mean reaction times and accuracy for the conflict tasks (lexical decision, Stroop and the non-verbal flanker task) for Pt1 and Pt2 and bilingual controls together with their composite picture description scores in English and the first language, L1, age and Raven scores. Monolingual data for the conflict tasks are reported in the final row. Figures in bold for the participants with aphasia indicate the scores beyond the normal cut-off.

RT = reaction time, M = mean, SD = standard deviation; Normal cut off = 2 SD above the normal mean for RT and conflict ratios and below the normal mean for accuracy. W = word, NW = non-word; N = neutral trial, I = incongruent trial; C = congruent trial; CR = conflict ratio –please see text for descriptions.