Expression of KLF6-SV1 in normal tissues and lung cancer patient samples. A, qRT-pCR of a panel of normal tissues and 70 lung adenocarcinoma patient samples using KLF6-SV1 specific real-time primers (10). KLF6-SV1 expression is increased 7-fold in lung cancer specimens when compared with all normal tissue and normal lung specifically; **, P < 0.01. B, the relative amount of KLF6-SV1 to GAPDH expression was determined using qRT-PCR (10, 11) and treated it as a continuous variable in a Cox multivariate survival analysis. In a univariate analysis, KLF6-SV1 expression (P = 0.0091) and nodal stage (P = 0.0288) were associated with survival. WT, wild-type; HR, hazard ratio; 96% CI, 95% confidence interval.