Distribution of Angraecum cadetii on Reunion (dark zones) among remaining preserved habitats (light zones; from Strasberg et al., 2005). Black dots represent precise localities where the species was encountered among 121 recorded sites; see Jacquemyn et al. (2005). White stars represent both study sites where pollinator observations have been undertaken: PP, Plaine des Palmistes, Pandanus wet thickets, 800 m; BV, Basse Vallée, mid-elevation rainforest, 700 m. White circles represent additional localities where fruit set has been estimated in 2008: di, Dioré, Pandanus wet thickets, 900–950 m; bl, Bras des Lianes, mid-elevation rainforest, 700 m; bb, Bébour, cloud forest, 1150 m; sr, Sainte Rose, mid-elevation forest, 900 m.