Image reconstructions of the chest phantom in the X-Y plane. Reconstruction size: 512×512 pixels with 0.4×0.4 mm2 for a pixel. Display window: [−770,630] HU: (a) The cone-beam image without scatter correction; (b) the fan-beam image (reference); (c) the cone-beam image with scatter corrected using a constant; and (d) the cone-beam image with scatter corrected using the proposed method with the copper modulator. The horizontal and vertical lines indicate the positions of the profiles in Fig. 10, which are also the positions of the X-Z slice and Y-Z slice in Fig. 9. The mean values of the CT number in the rectangle area [shown in image (a)] are −230 HU for (a), 97 HU for (b), −113 HU for (c), and 78 HU for (d). The corresponding standard deviations are 33, 31, 36, and 47 HU, respectively.