A. Phylogenetic tree of the Sec7 domains in D. discoideum (red), P. pallidum (green) and D. fasciculatum (blue) proteins. The Sec7 domain of human cytohesin-1 (NP_004753, GI:4758964) was used for comparison. The tree was generated from a CLUSTALX alignment with the TreeView program. The assignment of the different proteins to the three subfamilies of the Sec7 family of the Dictyostelia is indicated on the right. The bootstrap support of each node is provided. The scale bar indicates 10% divergence. B Alignment of the Sec7 domains. At the top, the Sec7 domain of human cytohesin-1 is shown. The alignment was generated with the program Multalin (http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/multalin/multalin.html). The color code and the symbols represent: upper case = high homology (red); lower case = lower homology (blue); ! = mostly I, V; $ = mostly L, M; % = mostly F, Y; # = mostly D, E, N, Q. The invariable E involved in nucleotide exchange on Arf [8] is indicated by an arrow.