Effects of transection of the MLF on synaptic actions evoked by stimuli applied in the PTs and in the MLF. A–C and D–F, Intracellular records from two motoneurons and records from the cord dorsum in the same experiment. They were obtained before and after transection of the MLF ∼5 mm caudal to the MLF stimulation site. G, Maximal extent of the lesion. H, Records of descending volleys from the left lateral funiculus before and after the lesion (extended until the volleys following MLF stimulation disappeared). Note that the lesion abolished EPSPs but not IPSPs evoked by contralateral (co) PT, ipsilateral (i), and MLF stimuli. Note also that it abolished early volleys from the MLF but did not abolish, or only partially abolished, cord dorsum potentials following PT stimuli.