FIG. 9.
Spike correlations. A: cutaneous spiking receptive fields from sites X and Y in animal 1. Distance between microelectrodes is 1.26 mm. Light-shaded receptive field was measured at site Y; dark-shaded receptive field was measured at the tip of d2 was measured at site X. Cross-hatched receptive field is shared. B: cross-correlation between X and Y during tap on index finger. Thin line, independent prediction; thick line, actual covariation; dashed line. single bin significance threshold for P < 0.0003. Elevated covariation at time 0 is significant for fine spike timing correlations. C: spatial distribution of cell assembly correlations in both animals. In the 1st 3 training session (thin line) there were fewer correlated pairs than in the last 3 training sessions (thick line).