Fig. 5.
Pulse sequence for the 3D jnJ-scaled TROSY-HNCO experiment. Scheme n is inserted at the position labeled n = −1 for recording the upfield line and at the position labeled n = 1 for recording the downfield line. All narrow (wide) pulses are applied with a flip angle of 90° (180°) with a phase of × unless otherwise indicated. 1H and 13C carriers are centered at the water resonance and 175 ppm, respectively, and off-resonance 13Cα pulses were centered at 55 ppm. The 15N carrier was adjusted for each scaling scheme and centered at 117.5, 118.5, 116.5 and 119.5 ppm for values of nj of −1, 1, −2 and 2 respectively. 1H and 15N pulses are applied with a pulse width of 9.3 and 38 ls, respectively, except for the rectangular water selective pulses which have a pulse width of 1.16 ms. Rectangular 13C 90° pulses are applied with a pulse width of 14 μs, and shaped 13C inversion pulses are applied with a g3 profile (225 μs at 800 MHz) (Emsley and Bodenhausen 1990). The delays used are: τα = 2.5 ms, TN = 14 ms, τβ = 29.1 μs, δ = 3 μs. The parameter κ determines the extent of J scaling with apparent coupling Japp = κ × 1JNH. The parameters α and β are set such that α + β = κ with α = κ when κ ≤ 1 and α = 1 when κ > 1. The following eight step phase cycle is employed: ϕ1 = y, −y, −x, x; ϕ2 = x; ϕ3 = 4(x), 4(−x); ϕ4 = −y; ϕ5 = y; ϕ6 = y; ϕrec = x, −x, y, -y, −x, x, −y, y. Quadrature is achieved in F1 by the method of States-TPPI on ϕ2 and in F2 by the echo-antiecho (enhanced sensitivity) (Rance et al. 1999) method whereby ϕ4, ϕ5, ϕ6 and the latter two phases of ϕ1 are incremented by 180° for each complex t2 point. The initial duration of t2 is set at 1/2SW, which requires a 180° first order phase correction during processing. The gradients employed are: g1 (0.5 ms, 2.16 G/cm), g2 (0.2 ms, 21.56 G/cm), g3 (0.2 ms, 15.1 G/cm), and g4 (0.3 ms, 32.35 G/cm)