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. 2010 Jan;15(1):17–22. doi: 10.1093/pch/15.1.17


Differences in mean patient characteristics by high and low lead levels

Outcome High lead level (≥0.1 μmol/L) Low lead level (<0.1 μmol/L) Difference or OR (95% CI) P
Number of patients 9 38
Age, years 6.25±2.71 5.22±1.86 1.03 (−0.88–2.95) 0.18
Hemoglobin, g/L 132.3±4.56 130.5±9.02 1.72 (−2.50–5.94) 0.61
MCV, fL 81.9±4.22 82.3±4.58 −0.42 (−3.61–2.77) 0.81
Ferritin, μg/L 28.5±12.4 30.7±19.0 −2.18 (−12.52–8.17) 0.76
Proportion with pica 9/9 (100) 24/39 (61.5) ∞ (1.03–∞) 0.041
Proportion in rural area 3/9 (33.3) 9/39 (23.1) 1.67 (0.22–9.82) 0.67

For continuous outcomes, values are presented as mean ± SD. For dichotomous outcomes, values are proportions with percentages. P values are computed with unpaired t tests for continuous outcomes and with Fisher’s exact test for dichotomous outcomes. MCV Mean corpuscular volume