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. 1999 Nov 20;319(7221):1325–1329. doi: 10.1136/bmj.319.7221.1325

Table 1.

Characteristics of study children

Characteristic Singletons
No Mean (SD) No Mean (SD) No Mean (SD) No Mean (SD)
At birth
Birth weight (g) 231 2886.4 (743.4) 548 3282.1 (726.9) 68 2393.9 (585.3) 36 2370.8 (519.3)
Gestation (weeks) 231 38.2 (2.9) 548 38.9 (2.4) 68 36.1 (2.7) 36 35.1 (2.7)
Length (cm) 224 47.2 (3.4) 530 49.3 (3.1) 64 45.1 (3.1) 34 45.2 (2.9)
Head circumference (cm) 226 33.0 (2.2) 529 34.3 (2.2) 65 32.0 (2.2) 34 31.9 (1.9)
Mid upper arm circumference (mm) 195 10.5 (1.3) 480 10.9 (1.3) 61 9.4 (1.0) 28  9.6 (0.8)
Placental weight (g)* 229  557.8 (150.2) 540  625.8 (158.1)
At age 8 years
Height (cm) 231 126.8 (6.0) 548 128.4 (6.0) 68 128.4 (5.7) 36 127.0 (5.1)
Weight (kg) 231 27.8 (5.7) 548 28.1 (5.3) 68 27.6 (4.8) 36  26.4 (5.4)
Fat mass (kg) 230  6.1 (3.6) 548  5.5 (2.8) 68  5.1 (2.8) 36   5.0 (2.9)
Lean body mass (kg) 230 21.8 (2.6) 548 22.6 (3.0) 68 22.4 (2.6) 36  21.4 (2.9)
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 231 108.3 (9.1) 548 107.3 (8.9) 68 110.4 (9.2) 36  109.3 (11.2)
Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 231 64.3 (6.6) 548 63.6 (6.4) 68 65.0 (7.1) 36  64.2 (7.3)

Placental weight only reported for singletons because individual placental weights are unreliable in multiplets. 

Calculated from sum of four skinfold thicknesses. 

Calculated as weight (kg) minus fat mass (kg).