B6 sociability was reduced by risperidone administration. (a) B6 showed significant sociability, as expected, after vehicle treatment, *p<0.05. Risperidone reduced normal sociability in B6, resulting in approximately equal low amounts of time spent in the two side chambers, concomitant with more time spent in the center chamber. (b) B6 showed significantly more time spent sniffing the novel mouse than the novel object after vehicle and 0.25 mg/kg risperidone treatments, *p<0.05, but did not after 0.125 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg risperidone treatments. (c) B6 showed a reduction in the number of entries into the side chambers, indicating a sedating effect of risperidone during the sociability task #p<0.05. (d) B6 showed no innate chamber side bias during the 10-min habituation phase before the start of the sociability test. N=8–10 per dose #p<0.05.