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. 2010 Jan 13;30(2):431–438. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3021-09.2010

Table 2.

Regions of activation in comparisons of negative valence to neutral valence conditions: men compared with women in the early follicular and midcycle menstrual phases

Hypothesized regions
x y z Z Voxels FWEap value
Region Hemisphere
Early follicular (men > women)
    Amygdala L −18 −4 −14 2.92 27 0.32
    Amygdala R 20 0 14 2.74 18 0.41
        BA 32 R 14 16 26 3.75** 14 0.47
        BA 32 L −2 22 28 3.52** 18 0.41
Midcycle/ovulation (men > women)
    Cortical regions
            BA 32 R 12 34 28 2.93 14 0.48
            BA 24 L −4 32 8 3.12** 27 0.32
            BA 24 L −2 18 20 2.71 12 0.51
            BA 24 R 4 32 8 2.63 6 0.66
            BA 24 R 4 18 20 2.79 16 0.45
            BA 10 R 34 58 −4 4.06** 83 0.09
            BA 11 R 2 40 −22 2.72 6 0.66
            BA 47 R 24 18 −18 2.98 9 0.58
            BA 47 R 40 28 −20 3.66** 197 0.01
            BA 47 L −46 26 −8 3.73** 137 0.03
            BA 10 L −4 42 −20 3.25** 33 0.19
            BA 10 R 4 54 −8 3.19** 86 0.08
            BA 10 R 20 66 10 5.02** 189 0.005
            BA 10 L −4 64 20 3.62** 56 0.09
            BA 10 R 34 58 −4 4.06** 66 0.07
    Subcortical regions
        Amygdala L −18 −2 −14 3.22** 41 0.22
        Hippocampus R 30 −24 −8 4.28** 308 0.003
            VMNb L −4 2 −6 2.48 3 0.77
            PAG 2 −30 −2 2.96 60 0.14

Voxelwise Z-score significance level is shown. **p ≤ 0.001, uncorrected for multiple comparisons within a hypothesized ROI; ROIs listed represent regions of significantly activated clusters within the a priori hypothesized ROI. BA, Brodmann area; medPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; sFG, superior frontal gyrus.

aFWE rate used for SVC: cluster-level significance level (FWE corrected within the search volume of interest).

bVMN: derived from a 4 mm sphere around activation center; the region was identified by MNI coordinates and validated by neuroanatomist (N.M.). [Note: Left LHA, which was derived from a 4 mm sphere around activation center, had a significant Z-score at 2.47 (coordinates −4, −2, −8), but with only 1 voxel, and therefore was not included in the table above.]

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