Figure 1. NT-3 is expressed in a large fraction of stage 4 NBs.
(A) NT-3 expression and NT-3/TrkC ratio measured by Q-RT-PCR on total RNA from tumors from a total of 86 stage 4 NB patients. The percentage of tumors expressing NT-3 at more than 2 fold of the value corresponding to the median is indicated. NT-3-low, tumors with low levels of NT-3 expression; NT-3-high, tumors with high levels of NT-3 expression. (B) Representative NT-3 immunohistochemistry on a tumor biopsy and bone marrow dissociated cells from low (left panel) and high (right panel) NT-3–expressing stage 4 patients, corresponding to the dotted gray arrow and black arrow in A, respectively. (C) Representative NT-3 immunohistochemistry on CLB-Ge2, SHEP-CLB, CLB-VolMo, and IMR32 cells. CLB-Ge2 and SHEP-CLB NT-3 immunostaining, when an excess of recombinant NT-3 (r-NT-3) is added with primary antibody, is also shown. Note that the 4 top panels show immunohistochemistry performed in absence of membrane permeabilization (w/o), while the immunohistochemistry shown in 2 bottom panels was performed after cell permeabilization with Triton X-100 (w). (B and C) Insets depict control without primary antibody. Original magnification, ×32.