Figure 3.
5S rDNA Loops Emanate from Chromocenters in Nuclei of 3-Week-Old Plants.
FISH with a 5S rDNA probe (green) on 3-week-old (A) and 2-day-old (C) nuclei from wild-type (WT) and ddm1 plants (loops indicated by arrows in [A]). (B) shows an enlargement of a wild-type nucleus (inset) from a 3-week-old plant with 5S rDNA loops (interrupted white lines) emanating from a chromocenter (circled). Parts of the 5S rDNA signal are located in the heterochromatic chromocenter (small arrow), and other parts form loops within euchromatin (large arrow). In 2-day-old postgermination seedling nuclei (C), 5S rDNA is located at prechromocenters (arrows). Counterstaining with DAPI (left in [A] and [C]), FISH with the 5S rDNA probe (middle in [A] and [C]), and the merge of both ([B] and right in [A] and [C]) are shown. Bars = 5 μm.