Table 3. Confirmation of the effects of 1,25D on the transcriptional expression of cell cycle related genes in C3H 10T1/2 multipotent cells by real-time PCR arrays.
Symbol | Description | Real time PCR Array Ratios (4 days) |
Ccna2 | Cyclin A2 | -4.39 |
Ccnb1 | Cyclin B1 | -4.87 |
Ccnb2 | Cyclin B2 | -3.44 |
Ccnd1 | Cyclin D1 | -2.85 |
Ccne1 | Cyclin E1 | -3.21 |
Ccnf | Cyclin F | -4.40 |
Cdk2 | Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 | -2.05 |
Cdk4 | Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 | -2.25 |
Chek1 | Checkpoint kinase 1 homolog (S. pombe) | -3.0 |
Skp2 | S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (p45) | -2.60 |