FIG. 3.
ROS-dependent pathways leading to lamellipodium formation in VSMCs. After agonist stimulation, VSMCs initiate a cascade of events leading to lamellipodium formation. PDGF-induced ROS activate the Src/PAK/LIMK pathways to induce cofilin inactivation and therefore F-actin stabilization. PDGF-induced migration requires the activation of SSH1L, which activates cofilin and thus supplies G-actin and free barbed ends continuously to the leading edge. Branching and elongation of preexisting filaments are induced through Rac and WAVE/ARP2/3. Interrupted arrows, ROS-mediated pathways. SSH1L = slingshot phosphatase 1L; LIMK = LIM domain kinase 1; WAVE =WASP family verprolin-homologous protein; ARP2/3 = actin-related protein 2/3; PAK =p21-activated kinase. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article at