Figure 2. Histomorphometry and μCT analysis of femora and lumbar vertebrae from wild-type (B6) and Fas deficient (Fas −/−) mice 4 weeks after ovariectomy (OVX).
The following histomorphometric variables were analyzed: trabecular bone volume (BV/TV), trabecular number (Tb.N/mm), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th; mm), and trabecular separation (Tb.Sp; mm). (A) Upper panels, representative femoral diaphyseal sections from sham-operated (SH) and OVX B6 and Fas −/− mice, stained with Goldner-trichrome; lower panels, histomorphometric variables in SH and OVX B6 and Fas −/− mice assessed by histomorphometric analysis of distal femoral sections. * p≤0.001 (t-test) vs. SH mice. (B) Upper panels, representative images of distal femora from SH and OVX B6 and Fas −/− mice; lower panels, histomorphometric variables in distal femora from SH and OVX B6 and Fas −/− mice assessed by μCT analysis. *p≤0.001 (t-test) vs. SH mice. (C) Upper panels, representative images of second lumbar vertebrae from SH and OVX B6 and Fas −/− mice; lower panels, histomorphometric variables in distal femora from SH and OVX B6 and Fas −/− mice assessed by μCT analysis. *p≤0.001 (t-test) vs. SH mice. Results are arithmetic mean±SD of variables measured in single bone of each group of mice.