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. 2010 Feb 17;11:36. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-11-36

Table 1.

Physiotherapy and home exercise program

Technique/Exercise Dosage Weeks
Postural taping * Worn full time 1
 from anterior aspect of each shoulder, posteriorly and obliquely down to opposite rib cage
Soft tissue massage * 5 mins 1-10
 Performed in prone to erector spinae, rhomboids, upper trapezius -stroking, circular frictions and petrissage
Passive accessory postero-anterior vertebral mobilisation * 5 mobilising movements at each central level × 2 reps 1-10
 In prone starting at T1 down to 2 levels below the most painful vertebral region Grade 2-3 depending on level
Supine lying over rolled up towel 5-10 mins 1
 Towel placed lengthways along the back to facilitate thoracic extension Daily
Erect sitting with transversus abdominus stabilising 10 sec hold × 5 reps 1-10
 Sitting forward on a chair or stool with no back rest. Chin retraction, scapular retraction and TA contraction Daily
Elbows back in sitting 5 sec hold × 5 reps 1-10
 Hands behind head with elbows pointing out to side. Pressing elbows back by performing scapular retraction Daily
Trunk mobility in sitting 5 reps in each direction 1-10
 Hands on shoulders, gentle rotation in both directions and lateral flexion to each side Daily
Head to wall in standing 10 sec hold × 5 reps 1-10
 Back and heels against wall with rolled up towel behind head. Chin retraction Daily
Standing corner stretch 10-30 sec hold × 3 reps 2-10
 Facing corner, both hands at chest height placed on wall and moving in closer to stretch anterior chest Daily
Walking hands up wall in standing 5 sec hold × 5 reps 3-10
 Facing wall, walking hands up wall until arms upstretched then holding hands off wall Daily
Shoulder flexion in supine 10 sec hold × 5 reps 3-10
 Arms outstretched holding onto a cane/towel and taking arms over head to hold at end of range Daily
Standing wall push ups 8-10 reps × 2 1-10
 Facing wall with arms in front at shoulder height. Keeping body straight, bending and straightening elbows 3×/week
Seated row with dumbbells 8-10 reps × 2 1-10
 Upright sitting and pull hands up towards chest by bending elbows and then lowering 3×/week
Seated overhead dumbbell press 8-10 reps × 2 3-10
 With elbows bent and out to side, press dumbbells straight up until arms extended overhead 3×/week
Bridging in supine 5-10 sec hold × 5 1-2
 Knee bent and feet flat on ground. Pushing through feet to lift back and pelvis off ground 3×/week
Hip extension in prone 8-10 reps × 2 3-10
 Raising one leg off the ground and then the other 3×/week
Half squats - progress to holding dumbbells 8-10 reps × 2 1-2
 Standing in front of chair and squatting down to touch chair with buttocks then standing up 3×/week
Step ups - progress to holding dumbbells 8-10 reps × 2 3-10
 Stepping up and down a 10 cm step. Alternate legs 3×/week
Scapular retraction with theraband in sitting 8-10 reps × 2 1-10
 Holding theraband in both hands with elbows tucked into sides and performing wrist extension, supination and shoulder external rotation then scapular retraction 3×/week
Four point kneeling with transversus abdominus 8-10 reps × 2 2
 Push into floor with hands, knees and feet then draw navel up and in. Hold 5 secs 3×/week
Four point kneeling with one arm and leg lift 8-10 reps × 2 3-10
 As above, then lift one arm off ground. Progress to also lifting extended leg off ground at same time 3×/week
Prone lying with arm elevation 5-10 sec hold × 5 2-3
 Arms at shoulder height and bent at elbows. Scapular retraction then lift arms off floor 3×/week
Prone trunk extension 5-10 sec hold × 5 4-10
 Lift head and shoulders off floor while maintaining chin retraction 3×/week

* performed by the therapist