Figure 1.
Exacerbation of ischemic outcomes in hyperlipidemia. A, Representative cresyl violet-stained sections 3 d after transient focal ischemia in normal (ND/WT) and hyperlipidemic (HD/KO) mice. B, C, Quantification of infarct volume and percentage hemispheric swelling. D, Correlation analysis between infarct size and percentage swelling in the HD/KO group reveals a distinct correlation pattern with a larger swelling component compared with that of ND/WT. n = 8–12 per group. E, Assessment of water and lipid contents 3 d after ischemia. It is expressed by ratios of ipsilateral to contralateral side. KO, ApoE KO mice; Ipsil, ipsilateral; Contral, contralateral. n = 5 per group, *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01 versus ND/WT