Figure 3.
Sleep during the immune response is gated by the circadian clock. (A) Mean ± SEM net changes in sleep in per01 flies from ZT 0-4 the morning after treatment at each of four time points (ZT 0, 6, 12 or 18). n = 13-16 flies per group. (B) Results from treatment at ZT 18 (arrow) in per01 flies. Mean ± SEM percent time sleeping is plotted for 2 consecutive days in 1 hr increments. Shaded area indicates the increase in sleep immediately after treatment from ZT 18-22. Dashed box area highlights ZT 0-4 time and corresponds to results reported in (A); n = 14 for Inf, n = 16 for Inj and n = 13 for HC. (C) Mean ± SEM net changes in sleep in per01;;per flies from ZT 0-4 after treatment at each of four time points (ZT 0, 6, 12 or 18). p < 0.0005 and p < 0.01 for ANOVA in Inj and Inf groups, respectively. ** p < 0.01 and * p < 0.05, Tukey's post-hoc comparisons. n = 22-45 flies per group. (D) Representative results from treatment at ZT 18 (arrow) in per01;; per flies. Data are plotted as described in (B). Shaded area indicates the increase in sleep from ZT 0-4 after treatment. n = 14 for Inf, n = 13 for Inj and n = 15 for HC.