Figure 1.
Obatoclax has single agent activity against cholangiocarcinoma which is not associated with altered BCL-2 protein expression (A,B) Cell death was quantified by clonogenic assay (A) in four cholangiocarcinoma cell lines (HuCCT-1, Mz-ChA-1, BDEneu, KMCH-1) treated with obatoclax at doses ranging from 0 to 800 nM for 48 h. Results are colony forming units as a percentage of control and represent means from three separate trials. (B) Immunoblotting of three obatoclax-sensitive cholangiocarcinoma cell lines treated with vehicle or increasing doses of obatoclax (100nM-400nM) for 24 hours. (*) No commercially available antibody for rat Mcl-1.