Ability to read, understand, and provide written informed consent
Age ≥ 18
If female and of childbearing potential, agrees to use an acceptable method of birth control throughout study
Ability to meet study requirements (i.e., can attend weekly visits, able to take medications, etc.)
Meets DSM-IV criteria for current opioid dependence (not simply physically dependent and taking opioids for pain as prescribed)
Current physical dependence on opioids (using prescription opioids ≥20 days/month) and need for medical assistance for opioid withdrawal
Good general health or, if requires ongoing medical/psychiatric treatment (whether currently in such treatment or not), participant is under the care of a physician willing to continue participant’s medical management and to cooperate with study site investigators
Non-psychotic and psychiatrically stable, in the opinion of the study investigator
Willingness to provide locator information
Prior to induction, participant is in opioid withdrawal (COWS scale > 8)
For participants receiving opioids for pain, clearance from their prescribing physician to be withdrawn from their prescribed opioids
For participants receiving methadone for pain (those currently receiving methadone treatment for opioid dependence are excluded), dose is ≤ 40 mg