(given as minimum, percentiles of 25, median, percentiles of 75, and maximum (box and whiskers graph with the box representing the interquartile range), adapted from [2]).
The figure presents the data from those 10+10 = 20 children (out of 21+24 = 45 children), who had second degree, type a burns (not second degree, type b burns) and were consequently treated non-surgically until complete cutaneous regeneration occurred including irradiation (starting on the day of the burn, until complete reepithelialization) with wIRA(+VIS) or with only VIS (control group).
Patients in the group with wIRA showed a markedly faster reduction of wound area compared to the control group: a median reduction of wound size of 50% was reached in the group with wIRA already after 7 days compared to 9 days in the control group, a median reduction of wound size of 90% was achieved in the group with wIRA already after 9 days compared to 13 days in the control group.