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. 2009 Aug;46(3):493–512. doi: 10.1353/dem.0.0065

Appendix Table A1.

Control Variables

Variable Description (Source) Categorical Construction Weighted Mean or Proportion Proportion Imputed
  Categorical measure of student’s sex (ELS:2002) Female .53 .00
Male .47
  Categorical measure of student’s race/ethnicity (ELS:2002) White non-Hispanic .60 .00
Black non-Hispanic .12
Hispanic .13
Asian/Pacific Islander .10
American Indian .01
More than one race .05
Family Structure
  Categorical measure indicating family structure (ELS:2002) Two biological parents .64 .09
Stepfamily .14
Single-parent family .20
Other .02
Parental Education
  Categorical measure indicating the highest level of education by either the mother or father (ELS:2002) High school or less .24 .09
Some college .32
Bachelor’s degree .24
Graduate/professional degree .21
Cognitive Ability
  Standardized continuous composite based on scores from a reading and mathematics assessment in the 10th grade (ELS:2002) N/A 50 .00
Orientation Toward School
  Categorical measure indicating the student’s educational expectations in the 10th grade (ELS:2002) Does not expect a four-year degree .80 .05
Expects a four-year degree .20
Orientation Toward Work
  Categorical measure indicating employment in the 10th grade (ELS:2002) Does not work .45 .19
Works 20 or fewer hours per week .42
Works more than 20 hours per week .13
Size of the Local Youth Population
  Continuous measure indicating the size of the population aged 15–24 living within the county of the sample member (2000 census) N/A 122,700 .00
Number of Local Colleges
  Continuous measures of the number of postsecondary institutions located in a metropolitan area (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) N/A 3.39 .00