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. 2009 Nov;46(4):851–872. doi: 10.1353/dem.0.0077

Table 1.

Descriptive Characteristics by Sex, 1931–1941 HRS Cohort: 1992

Characteristics Females (N = 5,057) Males (N = 4,221)
NIH/WHO BMI Categories
  Underweight (<18.5) 1.9 0.5
  Normal (18.5–24.9) 40.0 29.4
  Overweight (25.0–29.9) 33.8 49.3
  Class I obese (30–34.9) 16.2 16.3
  Class II/III obese (≥35.0) 8.2 4.5
Mean Age, Years 55.5 (2.9) 55.6 (2.8)
  White, non-Hispanic 80.5 82.0
  Black, non-Hispanic 10.8 9.4
  Hispanic 6.5 6.3
  Other 2.2 2.2
Marital Status
  Married 71.4 81.1
  Never married 3.2 4.3
  Divorced/separated 15.8 12.6
  Widowed 9.7 2.0
  Less than a high school diploma 23.9 21.6
  High school diploma/GED 41.9 35.1
  Some college 19.6 20.4
  College degree or higher 14.6 23.0
Mean Income, $1,000s 44.3 (41.4) 55.6 (54.1)
Mean Wealth, $1,000s 224.6 (403.1) 240.6 (439.7)
Smoking Status
  Never smoker 45.2 25.4
  Former smoker 29.2 46.2
  Light smoker (<1 pack per day) 10.1 7.7
  Moderate smoker (1 to <2 packs) 13.1 15.0
  Heavy smoker (≥2 packs) 2.4 5.6
Vigorous Physical Activity (≥3 times per week) 19.4 20.6
% Deaths (number) 10.1 (559) 16.8 (742)

Notes: Numbers are percentages unless otherwise noted. Standard deviations for continuous variables are in parentheses. Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted. Sample size (N) and number of deaths are not weighted.