FFA volume as a function of age and gender. (A) The volume of the FFA (man and boy > cars and abstract objects, P < 10−3, uncorrected) as a function of age and gender. Bars show the volume of the FFA, as defined in Figure 3, averaged across 14 adolescents (ages 12–16 years, light red) and 11 adults (18–40 years, dark red). Error bars show group SEM. Asterisks indicate significantly smaller volume than adults (P < 0.05, t-test across age groups). (B) The correlation between age and FFA volume among males and females in each hemisphere (rFFA vs. age in females: r = 0.69, P = 0.009; in males: r = 0.76, P = 0.004; lFFA vs. age in females: r = 0.48, P = 0.09; in males: r = 0.52, P = 0.08). Open triangles: males, n = 12; Filled circles: females n = 13. (C) The total volume of face selective voxels in VTC, defined as man and boy > cars and abstract objects at five different statistical thresholds (minus logarithm base 10). Volumes are measured irrespective of voxel contiguity. Light red: adolescents (ages 12–16, n = 14); dark red: adults (ages 18–40, n = 11). Error bars show group SEM (11 adults and 14 adolescents). Large asterisk indicates significantly larger volume in adults, P < 0.02, repeated measures ANOVA).