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. 2010 Feb 15;7(2):A40.

Table 2.

Prevalence of Disturbed Sleepa by Selected Risk Factors Among Adolescents in LRGV (n = 4,901) and Matamoros (n = 669)

Risk Factor LRGV Matamoros

% With Disturbed Sleep % Without Disturbed Sleep P Valueb % With Disturbed Sleep % Without Disturbed Sleep P Valueb
Total 28 72 NA 36 64 NA
Male 25 75 <.001 36 64 .71
Female 32 68 35 65
Age, y
≤14 28 72 .87 34 66 .67
15 28 72 37 63
≥16 28 72 33 67
Perceived family standard of living
Very well off 21 79 <.001 37 63 .91
Living comfortably or just getting along 29 71 35 65
Nearly poor or poor 51 49 36 64
Ethnic identity
Mexican national 24 76 <.001 36 64 NA
Mexican American (born in United States) 30 70 NA NA
Mexican American (born in Mexico) 21 79 NA NA
Other Hispanic or Latino 40 60 NA NA
Have a job currently
Yes 27 73 .02 38 62 .55
No 32 68 34 66
Hours slept weekday nights
≤6 40 60 <.001 50 50 .006
7 24 76 38 62
8 20 80 28 72
≥9 23 77 33 67
Hours slept weekend nights
≤6 32 68 <.001 49 51 <.001
7 30 70 38 62
8 25 75 29 71
≥9 25 75 30 70
During the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt rested when waking up in the morning?
Rarely or never 38 62 <.001 63 37 <.001
Sometimes 22 78 40 60
Often 25 75 35 65
Almost every day 29 71 15 85
During the past 4 weeks, how would you rate the quality of your sleep overall?
Very good 12 88 <.001 14 86 <.001
Fairly good 20 80 30 70
Fairly bad 47 53 45 55
Very bad 66 34 71 29
Smoked cigarette in past 30 days
Yes 38 62 <.001 45 55 .05
No 24 76 33 67
At least 1 drink of alcohol in past 30 days
0 days 23 77 <.001 32 68 .07
1-5 days 30 70 42 58
≥6 days 42 58 61 39
Marijuana use in past 30 days
0 times 25 75 <.001 36 64 .62
1-2 times 34 66 26 74
≥3 times 42 58 55 45
Ever use cocaine
Yes 42 58 <.001 74 26 .01
No 25 75 35 65
Ever use steroids
Yes 43 57 <.001 52 48 <.001
No 27 73 35 65
Felt sad or hopeless every day for ≥2 weeks in a row
Yes 45 55 <.001 48 52 <.001
No 22 78 31 69
Considered attempting suicide
Yes 48 52 <.001 51 49 .05
No 24 76 33 67
Body mass index categoryc
Underweight/normal 28 72 .83 34 66 .001
Overweight 29 71 35 65
Obese 28 72 41 58
In a physical fight in past 12 months
Yes 33 67 <.001 39 61 .21
No 26 74 33 67
Ever forced to have sex
Yes 45 55 <.001 70 30 .01
No 27 73 34 66
Gone ≥24 hours without eating in past 30 days
Yes 43 57 <.001 46 54 .04
No 25 75 34 66

Abbreviations: LRGV, Lower Rio Grande Valley; NA, not applicable.


Defined as difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, or early morning awakening often or almost every day in the past 4 weeks.


Pearson χ2.


Underweight or normal weight, <85th percentile; overweight, ≥85th percentile to <95th percentile; obese, ≥95th percentile.