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. 2009 Sep 23;118(1):20–32. doi: 10.1289/ehp.0901164

Table 1.

Summary of the results for the effects of atrazine on the developmental rate and size at or near metamorphosis for amphibians.

Net effect on developmental rate
Size at or near metamorphosis
Taxon, species Effect direction Conc where effect was observed (μg/L) Nonmono-tonic dose response Excluded from meta-analysis? Effect direction Conc where effect was observed (μg/L) Nonmono-tonic dose response Excluded from meta-analysis? Conc tested (μg/L) Atrazine grade Experiment type Exposure duration Reference
Bufo americanus ND NA No 200 NA No 200 Comm; Aatrexa PE ≤ 88 days Boone and James 2003b
B. americanus c 250, 500, 1,000 Yes No d No Conc differed from controls No No 250, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 Tech SR 3 weeks Freeman et al. 2005
B. americanus ND No No No data No data Yes 1, 3, 30 Tech SR LTM Storrs and Semlitsch 2008
Rhinella arenarum ↑ at 100 and 1,000, ↓ at 5,000 100, 1,000, 5,000 Yes No No data No data Yes 100, 1,000, 5,000 Tech SR LTM Brodeur et al. 2009
Hyla chrysoscelis 192 No No No data No data Yes 96, 192 Tech PE, two pulses ≤ 129 days Briston and Threlkeld 1998b
Hyla versicolor NDe Possibly No 200, 2,000 No No 20, 200, 2,000 Tech PE Mean of 13 days Diana et al. 2000f
H. versicolor ND NA No No data No data Yes 1, 3, 30 Tech SR LTM Storrs and Semlitsch 2008
Rana clamitans 10 Yes No 10 Yes No 10, 25 Tech SR ≤ 273 days Coady et al. 2004f
Rana pipiens Unknowng No Yes h Not tested No No 20, 200 Tech SR LTM Allran and Karasov 2000
R. pipiens ND NA No 0.1 NA No 0.1 Tech SR LTM Hayes et al. 2006
R. pipiens ND NA No ND NA No 5 Not provided SR ETM, ≤ 45 days Bridges et al. 2004i
Rana sphenocephala ND NA No 200 NA No 200 Comm; Aatrexa PE ≤ 57 days Boone and James 2003b
R. sphenocephala ND NA No No data No data Yes 1, 3, 30 Tech SR LTM Storrs and Semlitsch 2008
Rana sylvatica No data No data Yes Unknown; conc in ponds not provided NA No 3, 30 Comm FS Unknown Kiesecker 2002j
Xenopus laevis No data No data Yes ND No No 1, 10, 25 Tech SR Mean of 56 days Carr et al. 2003
X. laevis ND NA No No data No data Yes 1, 10, 25 Tech SR ETM Du Preez et al. 2008
X. laevis 100, 450, 800 No No Unknownk Unknown Yes 100, 450, 800 Tech SR 4 weeks Freeman and Rayburn 2005
X. laevis Unknown l,m,n Unkown Yes o 0.01, 1, 100 Possibly No 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 25, and 100 Tech SR ≤ 75 days Kloas et al. 2009
X. laevis ↓ detected by regression No Conc differed from controls No No 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 No No 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 Tech SR LTM Sullivan and Spence 2003
X. laevis No data NA Yes 400 NA No 400 Tech SR LTM Langerveld et al. 2009

Ambystoma barbouri 40, 400 No No 400 No No 4, 40, 400 Tech SR Mean of 52 days exposure Rohr et al. 2004
Ambystoma macrodactylum 184 No No 184 No No 1.84, 18.4, 184 Tech SR 30 days Forson and Storfer 2006a
Ambystoma tigrinum 16 vs. 1.6, but not vs. 0 Possibly; no data No ND; trend toward ↓p No data No 1.6, 16, 160 Tech SR LTM Forson and Storfer 2006b
Ambystoma maculatum ↑ and ↓q 250 Yes No 250 No No 75, 250 Tech SR 86 days Larson et al. 1998
A. maculatum 200 NA No 200 NA No 200 Comm; Aatrexa PE ≤ 57 days Boone and James 2003e
Ambystoma texanum 200 NA No 200 NA No 200 Comm; Aatrexa PE ≤ 88 days Boone and James 2003b,r

Abbreviations: ↓, decreased; ↑, increased; Comm, commercial; Conc, concentration; ETM, embryo to metamorphosis, or earlier (cases where amphibians metamorphosed before atrazine exposure ceased); FS, field survey; LTM, early larvae to metamorphosis; NA, not applicable (used when there were too few concentrations to evaluate nonmonotonicity); ND, not detected; PE, pulse experiment; SR, static renewal experiment; Tech, technical. Excluded studies are listed in Supplemental Material, Table S1 (doi:10.1289/ehp.0901164.S1).


Aatrex is 59.2% inactive ingredients.


Community-level study.


Authors show that atrazine modifies the thyroid axis for both X. laevis and B. americanus.


All five atrazine concentrations tested reduced frog size relative to controls, but no within-group variance estimates were provided.


200 ppb developed faster than 2,000 ppb.


Only a single egg mass; might not reflect general response.


Use only 50% of the metamorphs in the time to metamorphosis analysis without describing how they selected this subset of metamorphs or why they used only 50% for time to metamorphosis but 100% of the metamorphs for size at metamorphosis.


Authors report an interaction between atrazine and time for frog length, indicating that control animals were larger than those exposed to atrazine by the end of the experiment.


Tested as a mixture of 5 μ/L atrazine and 5 μ/L carbaryl.


Compared ponds with and without atrazine; effects might be due to other factors.


Frogs lose weight at metamorphosis, thus mass measurements were confounded by grouping tadpole and metamorph weights.


Provide no within-group variance estimate.


No statistics provided but conclude that there was no effect of atrazine.


Graphs for developmental rate through time are indiscernible.


Detected effects in only one of two experiments and for females only.


p = 0.080 for regression analysis, one-tailed test.


Results depended on developmental stage; authors showed that atrazine modifies thyroxine and corticosterone hormones.


Results depended on drying conditions.