Table I.
Fraction 5 | Serpinc1 Serine peptidase inhibitor, clade C (Antithrombin), member 1 | ||||
Peptide | Accession # | Protein Identification Probability |
Peptide sequence | Mascot Identity Score |
Calculated Peptide Mass (daltons) |
1 | IPI00372372 | 100% | EQLQDMGLVDLFSPEK | 31.5 | 1864.9006 |
2 | IPI00372372 | 100% | LQPLDFK | 34.6 | 860.4883 |
3 | IPI00372372 | 100% | NDNDNIFLSPLSISTAFAMTK | 30.5 | 2315.1228 |
Fragment ion data generated by Information Dependent Acquisition via QSTAR ® were searched against National Center for Biotechnology Information nr sequence database using Mascot (Matrix Science, Boston, Massachusetts) database search engine. Probability based MOWSE (Molecular Weight Search) scores above default significant value were considered for protein identification, in addition to validation by manual interpretation of tandem MS data. Column 1, peptide number. Column 2, National Center for Biotechnology Information reference number for identified protein. Column 3, probability of accurate protein identification. Column 4, peptide sequence. Column 5, Mascot identity score. Probability is defined as the observed database match is random event. An individual score >30 indicates identity or extensive homology, Column 6, calculated peptide mass.