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. 2009 Fall;31(1):35–50.

Table 2. Characteristics of Colon Cancer Patients by Medicare/Medicaid Eligibility Status.

Medicare Only (N=5,697) Dually Eligible (N=765)
N (%) N (%)
Age* 66–70 years 1125 19.75 126 16.47
71–75 years 1438 25.24 191 24.97
76–80 years 1384 24.29 158 20.65
>80 years 1750 30.72 290 37.91
Race* White 5187 91.05 524 68.5
African American 510 8.95 241 31.5
Sex* Male 2613 45.87 228 29.8
Female 3084 54.13 537 70.2
SEER Stage In situ 250 4.39 25 3.27
Local 2140 37.56 272 35.56
Regional 2292 40.23 339 44.31
Distant 1015 17.82 129 16.86
Census tract median annual income* ≤$25k 1477 25.93 376 49.15
$25k to ≤$35k 1797 31.54 256 33.46
$35k to ≤$45k 1380 24.22 69 9.02
>$45k 796 13.97 27 3.53
Missing 247 4.34 37 4.84
Mean Std Mean Std
Census tract education Percent <12 year* 0.23 0.1 0.3 0.13
Percent <college* 0.6 0.09 0.57 0.09
Percent ≥college* 0.17 0.14 0.13 0.1
N (%) N (%)
Charlson Index 0* 3848 67.54 416 54.38
1* 1097 19.26 174 22.75
2 419 7.35 81 10.59
3+* 333 5.85 94 12.29
Myocardial infarction 91 1.6 14 1.83
Congestive heart failure* 526 9.23 120 15.69
Peripheral vascular disease 168 2.95 35 4.58
Cerebrovascular disease 275 4.83 65 8.5
Obstructive pulmonary disease* 587 10.3 114 14.9
Diabetes* 841 14.76 167 21.83
Chronic renal failure* 57 1 17 2.22
Ulcer* 105 1.84 24 3.14
Rheumatism 83 1.46 13 1.7
Alzheimer's disease* 75 1.32 48 6.27

Indicates statistical significant difference between the two groups (p<0.05). Conditions with prevalence less than 1 % in either group are not presented: dementia, paralysis, cirrhosis and liver disease.

NOTE: The two-sample t-test was used for continuous variables, the Pearson chi-square test was used for categorical variables, and Fisher's exact test was used when the cell size is smaller than 5.

SOURCE: Michigan Tumor Resigtry, Medicare and Medicaid fee-for-service claims from 1996 to 2000.