Figure 4.
Repeated measurements of the same eye during evaporation. Eye weight and eye dimensions were lost quickly with time following excision. C57BL/6J mice were sacrificed at P60 (N=10 mice; 10 eyes). The left eye (OS) was enucleated first, fat was trimmed from whole eye globe, eye weight taken, and then lengths on three axes were measured. Each eye was measured 7 times, placed in 1X dPBS for 1 h, and then measured again 3 more times. Average time to reach measurement 7 was 13 .0 min ± 1.60 min. Average time from measurement 8 to measurement 10 was 4.30 min ± 0.833 min. Error bars represent standard deviations. Panel A: Eye weights over time. Panel B: Superior-inferior length over time. Regardless of axes or weight, the same pattern of evaporation and full rehydration emerged.