Figure 1.
Alloactivated Treg cells express granzyme B during in vitro MLRs. The 129/SvJ WT (H-2Kb) splenocytes were cultured with irradiated (2000 cGy) Balb/c WT (H-2Kd) splenocytes in complete medium supplemented with 50 U/mL IL-2. At various time points, splenocytes were harvested and analyzed by flow cytometry for granzyme B expression. (A) Representative flow plots of granzyme B expression, gated on naive and day 6 MLR-stimulated CD8+ T cells. (B) Representative flow plots of granzyme B expression, gated on naive and day 6 MLR-stimulated CD4+Foxp3+ Treg cells. (C) Summary graph of percentage granzyme B–expressing Treg cells (n = 3 independent MLR cultures per time point).