Resveratrol inhibits oxidative stress-induced cell death via SIRT1 in vitro. A, SIRT1 siRNA inhibits the antioxidative function of resveratrol (RSV). C2C12 cells expressing SIRT1 siRNA or control siRNA were pretreated with RSV or vehicle for 4 h and then exposed to 100 μmol/liter Ant A for 3 h. Representative images of dichlorofluorescein fluorescence and quantitative analyses of the fluorescence intensity are shown. B and C, NRVMs were pretreated with RSV or vehicle for 4 h and then exposed to 100 μmol/liter antimycin A for 8 h (B) or angiotensin II (Ang II) for 12 h (C). Representative immunostaining images and the percentage of TUNEL-positive cells are shown. D, SIRT1 siRNA inhibits the antiapoptotic function of RSV. NRVMs expressing SIRT1 siRNA or control siRNA were pretreated with RSV or vehicle for 4 h and then exposed to Ant A for 8 h. The percentages of TUNEL-positive cells are shown. †, p < 0.05 versus untreated cells; *, p < 0.05 versus cells exposed to Ant A or angiotensin II in the absence of RSV; NS, no significant difference; DCF, 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein.