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. 2009 Nov 10;36(2):301–313. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbp133

Table 1.

Structural and Morphological Abnormalities in Schizophrenia Patients. (meta, meta-analysis; *, first episode)

Brain Region Representative References
Gross anatomy (imaging)
    Decreased brain volume Whole brain Vita et al8 meta*, Steen et al10 meta*, Wright et al9 meta
Temporal lobe Shenton et al4 review
Hippocampus Vita et al8 meta*, Steen et al10 meta*, Wright et al9 meta
Amygdala Wright et al9 meta
Thalamus Ellison-Wright et al11 meta*
Anterior cingulate Ellison-Wright et al11 meta*
Basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuit Ellison-Wright et al11 meta*
    Enlarged ventricles Lateral ventricles Vita et al8 meta*, Steen et al10 meta*, Shenton et al4 review, Wright et al9 meta
Third ventricles Vita et al8 meta*, Shenton et al4 review
    Changed asymmetry Sommer et al19meta
    Decreased white matter Whole brain Wright et al9meta
Frontal & temporal cortex Ellison-Wright 2009 meta
    Pyramidal neurons
        Reduced neuron density PFC (no change in cell number Selemon and Goldman-Rakic20review
        Reduced soma size PFC Rajkowska et al21
        Reduced dendritic field PFC Black et al22
        Reduced spine density FC Glantz and Lewis5
        Less GAD67+ PFC (mRNA) Akbarian et al26
        Less reelin+ PFC (mRNA) Guidotti et al23
        Less parvalbumin+ PFC (IR) Beasley et al28
Hc (IR) Zhang and Reynolds30
        No change in calretinin+ PFC (IR) Beasley et al28
Hc (IR) Zhang and Reynolds30
        Less somatostatin+ PFC (mRNA) Hashimoto et al32
        Less cholecystokinin+ PFC (mRNA) Hashimoto et al32
        Fewer oligodendrocytes PFC Vostrikov et al35
Thalamus Byne et al33
Hc Schmitt et al34

Note: PFC, prefrontal cortex; IR, immunoreactivity; Hc, hippocampus.