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. 2009 Nov 10;36(2):301–313. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbp133

Table 3.

Structural and Morphological Abnormalities in Genetic Schizophrenia Models

Model Imaging Gross Anatomy Cytoarchitecture Pyramidal Neurons Interneurons Glia
Dysbindin Morphological changes in asymmetrical synapses in CA1 (Chen et al71)
NRG1 Increased lateral ventricles (Chen et al71), Normal myelin (Brinkmann et al74) Reduced spine density in Hc (Chen et al71, Barros et al75)
ErbB4 Normal myelin (Brinkmann et al74) Reduced spine density in cortex, Hc (Barros et al75) Reduced parvalbumin IR (Fisahn et al76) Reduced calbindin IR (Flames et al77) Increased oligodendrocyte number, thinner myelin (Roy et al78)
Disc1 Smaller brain volume, Enlarged lateral ventricles (Hikida et al81, Pletnikov et al) Enlarged lateral ventricles partial agenesis of corpus callosum, thinner cortex (Shen et al83) Altered organization of dentate granule cells (Kvajo et al86) Shorter dendrites (Pletnikov et al, Li et al85, Shen et al83) Reduced parvalbumin IR at mPFC, Hc (Hikida et al81, Shen et al83)
Akt-1 Altered pyramidal cell morphology at PFC (Lai et al87) No change in parvalbumin and calbindin density in the PFC (Lai et al87)
Δ22q11 (COMT, GNB1L, PRODH, ZDHHC8) Decreased spine density and dendritic complexity (Mukai et al89)

Note: CA1, cornus ammonis 1; DISC1, disrupted in schizophrenia-1; Hc, hippocampus; IR, immunoreactivitiy; mPFC, medial prefontal cortex.