Figure 2.
Changes in sleep patterns after sleep deprivation in corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)-COE-Nes mice. Data points ±s.e.m. indicate 2 h averages in time spent in non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep (nonREMS) and REM sleep (REMS). Sleep deprivation (SD) was performed for 6 h from the beginning of the onset of the light period (Zeitgeber time 0, ZT0), indicated by a gray bar. Hatched area, CRH-COEcon-Nes (Nes con), n=14; gray circles with dotted line, CRH-COEhet-Nes (Nes het), n=12; black circles with solid line, CRH-COEhom-Nes (Nes hom), n=14. Horizontal open bar, light period; horizontal filled bar, dark period. Two-way analysis of variance among three genotypes; for non-REM sleep during post-SD hours 6–12 (ZT6–12) in the light period F(2, 111)=4.13, P<0.05, for REM sleep during ZT6–12 in the light period F(2, 111)=9.55, P<0.001, during the 12-h dark period F(2, 222)=4.16, P<0.05. No statistical significances were found in recovery sleep between wild-type and control mice (data not shown). Heterozygous and/or homozygous mice showed significant differences compared with con mice, indicated by its respective line and *.