Figure 1.
Minor allele frequency (MAF), nucleotide diversity and FST measure in seven candidate genes in Mexican-American major depressive disorder (MDD) patients and controls. Histograms show the total number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) detected in intronic (black bar) and exonic (gray bar) regions in the seven genes by MAF in 272 MDD patients and 264 healthy controls (a); the nucleotide diversity in noncoding (black bar) and coding (gray bar) (b) or intronic (black bar) and exonic (gray bar) regions (c) by gene in the combined sample of 272 MDD patients and 264 healthy controls; the total number of SNPs shared by Mexican-American (MA) sample and HapMap samples by pairwise FST value (d) or represent the average FST by gene (e) in MA vs CEU (black bar), MA vs HCB (dark gray bar), MA vs JPT (gray bar) and MA vs YRI (White bar).