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. 2010 Mar;35(2):126–131. doi: 10.1503/jpn.090041

Table 1.

Clinical and socio-demographic characteristics of patients with generalized social phobia and healthy controls

Group; mean (SD)*
Characteristic GSP patients, n = 24 Controls, n = 24
Age, yr, mean (SD) [range] 32 (10) [19–49] 31 (9) [19–47]
Education, no. of yr 15 (2) 15 (2)
Sex, male:female, no. 12:12 12:12
Handedness, right:left, no. 23:1 22:2
Duration of disorder, yr 15 (10)
Age at disorder onset, yr 17 (5)
DSM-IV diagnoses, no. of patients
 GSP 15
 GSP, avoidant personality disorder 7
 GSP, bulimia nervosa 1
 GSP, panic disorder with agoraphobia 1
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale17 score
 Anxiety 38 (9)
 Avoidance 29 (9)
 Number of fears 18 (3)
Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory19 score 4 (1)
State Trait Anxiety Inventory,20 state anxiety score 45 (10)
Beck Depression Inventory21 13 (7)

GSP = generalized social phobia; SD = standard deviation.


Unless otherwise indicated.

German version with 22 items (range: 0–6).