Figure 2.
Quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) analysis of undifferentiated hPSCs and differentiated EBs derived from hPSCs. Differential expression index of a) hESCs and hESC-derived EBs and b) hiPSC and hiPSC-derived EBs, based on analysis of six genes (POU5F1(OCT4), NANOG, SOX2, AFP, IGF2 and NEUROD1). (c) Normalized gene expression of undifferentiated markers in hESC on acellular HFF (A); hESC in MBIC system (B); hiPSC on acellular HFF (C) and hiPSC in MBIC system (D). There is no significant difference (p>0.01) between the groups (n=3) indicating comparable pluripotent gene expression. (d) Normalized gene expression of differentiated markers in hESC in MBIC system (A’); EBs generated from hESC in MBIC system (B’); hiPSC in MBIC system (C’); and EBs generated from hiPSC in MBIC system (D’). Significant differential gene expression (p<0.01) in all three lineage specific markers was observed. It is important to note that ΔCt values (normalized against 18S) should be interpreted counter-intuitively; where a lower value indicated higher expression.