Fig. 4.
Loss of Raldh1 and Raldh3 interferes with Dkk2 expression in perioptic mesenchyme. (A-B) In situ hybridization with Dkk2 antisense riboprobe on frontal sections through the eye of E12.5 wild-type (WT) and double null (Raldh1-/-;Raldh3-/-) embryos. Note that Dkk2 expression in the perioptic mesenchyme of R1;R3-/- embryo (B) is severely reduced compared to WT control (A) indicated by arrow. c, cornea; d, dorsal retina; el, eyelid fold; le, lens; pm, perioptic mesenchyme; rpe, retinal pigment epithelium; v, ventral retina.