Figure 6.
Passive immunization after vector injection prevents mortality and reduces vector load in the liver. Immunosuppressed hamsters were injected i.v. with INGN 007 at 1/3rd MTD (0.63 × 1012 vp/kg). At 1 day postinjection, one group of hamsters was passively immunized with immune serum while another group remained nonimmunized. (a) Survival curve as analyzed by Kaplan–Meier analysis. (b) Livers were collected 8 and 15 days after virus injection and subjected to TCID-50 assay to determine infectious virus titers. (c) Serum ALT levels were assayed 2, 8, and 15 days after virus injection. *P > 0.05 (nonsignificant). ALT, alanine aminotransferase; CP, cyclophosphamide; i.v., intravenous; MTD, maximum tolerated dose; NonImm+CP+007, not immunized with Ad5, were immunosuppressed with CP, and were injected with INGN 007; TCID-50, tissue culture infectious dose-50; vp, virus particles.