Figure 6.
The confocal imaging of 2.3ColGFP expression in transduced TRCs in vivo. (a) Confocal imaging of 2.3ColGFP expression in ossicles generated by 4-week implantation of TRCs. Nontransduced cells served as a negative control and DAPI was used for staining cellular nuclei (left panel). DAPI staining indicates cellular distribution or existence inside the ossicle from either donor or host origin, whereas GFP indicates the donor origin of cells. Both GFP expression (G) and DAPI staining (D) were examined under Zeiss confocal microscopy at original magnification ×200 (middle two panels). The right panel is an overlay of GFP expression (G) and DAPI staining (D). A representative area with bone structure is amplified to exhibit the distribution of GFP+ cells (lower panels). (b) H&E of the ossicle section at a original magnification ×200. (c) H&E staining of the ossicle section at a original magnification ×400. DAPI, 4,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole; GFP, green fluorescent protein.