Figure 2.
16+3A and 19+2 siRNAs cleave identical site within target mRNAs. (a) PCR products of 5′-RACE assay from siTIG3-transfected cells. TIG3 mRNA cleavage sites were analyzed by 5′-RACE assay and sequencing. The antisense strand of siTIG3(19+2) is shown in blue and the antisense strand of siTIG3(16+3A) is shown in red. Cleavage sites are marked with arrowheads. (b) PCR products of 5′-RACE assay using siLamin-transfected cells. LaminA/C mRNA cleavage sites were analyzed by 5′-RACE assay and sequencing. The antisense strand of siTIG3(19+2) is shown in blue and the antisense strand of siTIG3(16+3A) is shown in red. Cleavage sites are marked with arrowheads. siRNA, small interfering RNA.