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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Mar 9.
Published in final edited form as: Am Sociol Rev. 2008 Oct 1;73(5):792–812. doi: 10.1177/000312240807300505

Table 3.

Ordinary Least Squares Regression Analysis of Distance in Miles between Tracts of Origin and Destination: Mobile White PSID Householders, 1980–2003.

Independent Variables b se
Extralocal Neighborhood Conditions
  Minority concentration in distance- weighted surrounding neighborhoods 1.0691 * .4633
  Multiethnic indicator for distance- weighted surrounding neighborhoods 21.6281 ** 8.0017
  Change in minority concentration in distance- weighted surrounding neighborhoods .5004 3.7016
Local Neighborhood Conditions
  Minority concentration 3.3355 ** 1.2712
  Squared minority concentration −.0461 .0351
  Cubed minority concentrationa .0040 .0267
  Multiethnic indicator 13.2241 7.8416
  Change in minority concentration −3.795 2.1420
Micro-level Characteristics
  Age −2.1787 1.4001
  Age-squared .0293 .0154
  Female −9.4519 9.3750
  Education 16.7378 *** 1.4809
  Family Income (in $1000’s) .0010 .0737
  Employed −39.7071 ** 15.0570
  Married 32.7062 *** 9.3084
  Children −1.9736 4.0790
  Homeowner 25.6266 ** 9.0579
  Household crowding −1.6489 * 1.8695
  Long-term resident −37.7173 *** 9.8580
 Year (1980=0) −3.7113 *** .8576
Constant −28.9374 34.1047
R-square .0240







Coefficients and standard errors multiplied by 100

N of observations = 12,934; N of persons = 4,686