Figure 2.
Specificity of the integrin-binding viruses. (a) Flow cytometry data on expression of mouse integrins αv, β3, α5β1, human CD46 or human SLAM receptors (filled histogram) on NIH3T3-Ras cells compared with isotype control (empty histogram). (b) NIH3T3-Ras cells were infected with the respective viruses at MOI of 0.5, and photographs were taken 36 hours later. Only the integrin-binding viruses were able to infect and induce syncytia in NIH3T3-Ras cells. In contrast, all viruses were able to infect Vero cells (MOI 0.05). (c) Competition assay. MV-GFP or MV-GEcs (MOI 1.0) were pre-mixed with serially diluted soluble echistatin before inoculation on NIH3T3-Ras cells, and the number of green infected cells was counted at 48 hours postinfection. Experiments were done in triplicates (mean ± SD). MOI, multiplicity of infection; SLAM, signaling lymphocyte activation molecule.