Custom human cytokine array (RayBio Custom Human Cytokine Arrey; RayBiotech). A total of 79 antibodies toward cytokines and chemokines were placed on the array. Representative membrane protein arrays incubated with sputum supernatant of a BA subject (top left, A), an AC subject (bottom left, B), and an NC subject (top right, C). Four spots in the upper left (row 1; columns A–D) and two spots in the lower right (row 8; columns J and K) of the membranes indicate the positive controls, and two spots in the upper left (row 1; columns E and F) and one in the lower right (row 8; column I) of the membranes indicate the negative controls. The names and locations of each cytokine/chemokine custom spots for this set of experiments are listed (bottom right, D).