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. 2010 Mar;62(1):1–96. doi: 10.1124/pr.109.002014


Subcellular localization of bile acid, cholesterol, aminophospholipid, and copper transporters in various species

For each transporter, the apical or basolateral localization in a particular tissue and/or species is provided. Species included rat (R), mouse (M), human (H), and bovine (B). Detailed information regarding particular cellular populations or regions of the tissue are provided for some transporter isoforms. N.D., not determined.

Cellular Localization Tissue Species Cell Types References
    Basolateral Liver M, R, H Hepatocytes Stieger et al., 1994; Keitel et al., 2005; Aleksunes et al., 2006
    Apical Pancreas R Acinar cells Kim et al., 2002a
    Apical Ileum M Enterocytes Dawson et al., 2005
    Apical Kidney R Proximal convoluted tubules Christie et al., 1996
    Apical Liver R Cholangiocytes Lazaridis et al., 1997
    Apical Liver M, R, H Hepatocytes Childs et al., 1998; Jansen et al., 1999; Green et al., 2000
    Basolateral Ileum M, R, H Enterocytes Ballatori et al., 2005; Dawson et al., 2005
    Basolateral Liver M, H Hepatocytes, cholangiocytes Ballatori et al., 2005
    Basolateral Kidney M, R, H Proximal tubule cells Ballatori et al., 2005
    Basolateral Ileum M, H Enterocytes Ballatori et al., 2005; Dawson et al., 2005
    Apical Liver M, H Hepatocytes, cholangiocytes Graf et al., 2003; Klett et al., 2004a
    Apical Small intestine M, H Enterocytes Graf et al., 2003; Klett et al., 2004a
    Intracellular Gallbladder H Mucosal epithelial cells Klett et al., 2004a
    Apical/Intracellular Liver H Hepatocytes, cholangiocytes Klett et al., 2004a
    Apical Small intestine H Enterocytes Klett et al., 2004a
    Intracellular Gallbladder H Mucosal epithelial cells Klett et al., 2004a
    Apical Liver R Hepatocytes Hernandez et al., 2008
    Apical Placenta H Syncytiotrophoblasts Hardman et al., 2004; Hardman et al., 2007
    Intracellular Small intestine M Enterocytes Weiss et al., 2008
    Intracellular Mammary gland M Ductal epithelial cells Michalczyk et al., 2000
    Apical Liver M, R, H Hepatocytes Eppens et al., 2001; Ujhazy et al., 2001
    Apical Small Intestine R Enterocytes Ujhazy et al., 2001